
September 16, 2013

Fall is in The Air

Micro macrame bracelets in fall colors by Sherri Stokey of Knot Just Macrame

Okay, so I haven't been blogging much lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not making jewelry.  As much as I hate to see summer leave, I do love fall and I've been on a kick making jewelry with a fall vibe.  The first piece I made was a bracelet using traditional autumn colors:  orange, brown and white.

Close up of macrame knotting in fall colors design by Sherri Stokey

I love this bracelet, even if these aren't the colors I usually favor.  Me being me, though, I had to play with the colors a bit.  I added an unexpected pop of teal to the mix and did fall colors my way.

Close up of macrame knotting in fall colors with an unexpected pop of teal color

Now this one, I love!  Everything is basically the same in this second bracelet, except for the addition of the teal.  I can't believe what a difference it makes and how the piece now pops!

Then I went to a bead show and picked up some pieces from Star Spirit Studio (more on the bead show later!).  

Ceramic and raku pieces by Star Spirit Studio

I obviously adore her pieces and I couldn't wait to make something.  I used one of the raku leaves to make this necklace.

Spiral micro macrame necklace with raku leaf pendant

How's that for a beautiful piece!?  I love the colors in the leaf pendant and I wanted to accent it without overpowering it.  I used a spiral pattern of knotting to make a cord and added just a few rows of seed beads in the front.  Not too much color, but just enough, I think to bring out the colors in the leaf.  

I've still got lots of new things from the bead show to play with, and don't worry, I have pictures to share with you.  Stay tuned!


  1. Gorgeous bracelets and lovely necklace!

  2. Ils sont superbes vos bracelets !!! j'adore ce que vous faites !!!

  3. Ohhh my goshhh I just love your work, do you by chance have a Tutorial on Spiral pattern used on the leaf necklace? I come back every week to see what fun new things you have been up to, you're very talented!


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