Just in case you didn't hear me shouting it from the rooftops, I've got a new eClass available for micro macrame and I'm very excited about it! So exited, in fact, that I'm going to give away a class and a kit to go along with it to one lucky winner.
My class is called
Micro Macrame Wrap Bracelet and it's available on
CraftArtEdu.com. If you aren't familiar with CraftArtEdu.com, let me give you the skinny. Their goal is to make learning about your favorite medium more accessible and convenient than ever. Their classes have step-by-step instructions and are presented by world-renowned craft and fine art instructors. The classes are all the time, at your convenience. Once you purchase a class, you can view it as many times as you want, for as long as you want. AND your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you're not happy, they will refund your money. That's their promise. Sounds like a fantastic site, doesn't it! They have over 400 classes there - something for all levels and interests. I'm honestly flattered that they wanted to add my micro macrame to their curriculum.
I've got two classes available right now. The first is
Micro Macrame 101 and it's free. In it, I've covered the basics about micro macrame and the tools and materials you need. The
Micro Macrame Wrap class follows after that and is geared for beginners. I will teach you how to make five of the most common macrame knots, while making a fun wrap bracelet. This class is meant to get you acquainted with knotting and working with cord. The next step will be a class I hope to have available next week that will take you further into micro macrame, using finer cord and more knots.
But let's get back to the giveaway, shall we? I'm giving one lucky person access to my wrap class for free AND everything needed to make a wrap bracelet similar to this:
The kit I'm giving away includes everything in the first photo of this post. I've included 14 foot lengths of Tex 400 cord in teal and a sandy beige, wood beads, a Bollywood bead, rolled paper, seed beads, dichroic glass beads AND some artist beads. There's a great lampwork piece by Mitosis glass and a polymer class turtle bead by Ke Robinson:
And the toggle clasp is fun, too. It's a silver starfish toggle with crystal accents.
These pieces should make a great bracelet. So how do you win? Use the rafflecopter widget below to enter. Then check back here on Thursday, July 18th to see if you won!
a Rafflecopter giveaway