So, I was messing around the last couple of days, trying to learn how to knot this scallop pattern. I have had to really think about each knot, which is something I haven't had to do much lately. I even had to switch off my ridiculously cheesy sci-fi shows to concentrate on the knotting. I started off fairly well, if a bit slowly:
The color looks a bit more blue than teal in this photo because of the lighting I used last night, but here's where I was. I used five different shades of cord to get the ombre shading. I couldn't wait to get home from work this afternoon so I could work on it. I knotted and knotted and knotted:
I'm absolutely fascinated with the undulations and the color gradient. I'm admiring my handiwork, when it starts to dawn on me that I'm running short on cord.
And no matter how hard I try, I'm not going to get this bracelet past 5.5". I've had some suggestions for adding some beads to one end before the clasp and I may have to explore that option. It's not a total loss, though. I did get a handle for this knotting pattern, I think. And I will definitely be trying it again. If you want to try your hand at this one, I found the video here. Be warned, though - she doesn't explain the actual knots, just the pattern, and it's not in English. Or if you'd rather see a bracelet in ombre shading that didn't fail, check here or here :)