I'll warn you right up front, this post has nothing to do with micro macrame. It is the time of year when my thoughts turn toward family and friends and I would like to share something special with you. My grandfather, Papa Arnie to me, was a first generation American, both of his parents having immigrated as children. Our heritage is Czech and it is most apparent when we fix holiday meals. Christmas dinner just wouldn't be complete without potato dumplings and sauerkraut. Papa tried to teach several of us how to make dumplings over the years but none are as good as his. A few years ago I took step by step photos and documented every thing he told me. Papa has since passed away, but this is his recipe:
We usually serve our dumplings with roast turkey (although most of my grandparents liked goose) and we always have to put some of the "drippings" from the bird on the table to be spooned over the dumplings. You also have to have sauerkraut with them (that's a rule).
If you manage to make enough that there are leftovers, they're really good cut into smaller pieces and fried for the next meal.
I get a little sentimental this time of year and the absence of most of my grandparents seems more apparent during the holidays. I try to remember fondly all of the celebrations over the years rather than dwell on the loss. And if I get a little maudlin, it only takes a glance at this sweet face to remind me just how good life is.
I hope your holidays are beautiful and filled with love.