I honestly thought when I found Frooster the Fruit Rooster at a garage sale it was a once in a lifetime kind of thing. It was such a standout experience, I even wrote a post about it: Frooster the Fruit Rooster. Frooster's one sexy chicken and he's not afraid to flaunt it:
There's a new sheriff in town now, though. Meet Banty Beau:
If there are any chicken experts out there reading my posts, I'll apologize now if my use of "banty" is technically incorrect, but this little guy seems full of attitude. He's sporting some pretty sweet boots:
And an awesome feather tail:
I saw him and had to have him. You just don't find treasures like this all the time, you know. You have to go to a lot of garage sales to find stuff this good.
I tried to get him to sit down and jaw a bit (old western roosters don't visit, they jaw if you can get them talking), but he wasn't in the mood. I'm going to have to introduce him to Frooster. Maybe that would loosen him up a bit.
Besides the fact that I bought another chicken at a garage sale (one that's wearing glittery cowboy boots), you know what's really funny? When I wrote the Frooster post, I added a label for "garage sale chickens". Seriously, in-the-past me? We were anticipating a string of garage sale chicken purchases? Sometimes I even worry myself.
Carry on.