March 2, 2013

Year of Jewelry Week 9 "Simplicity" - Macrame Pendant

Year of Jewelry Week 9 Simplicity macrame pendant by Sherri Stokey

The theme for Week 9 in the Year of Jewelry was "Simplicity", and I have to admit that coming up with a piece for this week was anything but simple for me.  I make pieces that are intricate and lacy.  Complex.  Sometimes even fussy.  Rarely simple and uncomplicated.  Since pushing myself to explore a bit outside my normal boundaries was one of the reasons I chose to do the Year of Jewelry challenge, I guess this was a good exercise.

My idea (once I finally came up with one) was to make a simple macrame pendant, but I'm never satisfied to do what's expected of me, so I made a little wire piece on which to hang my pendant.  I used some 14g wire and beat it flat on the ends and started my knots on that.  The color scheme is simple, in keeping with the theme:  black and khaki.

Close up on macrame knots

I did have to finish it off with another wire at the bottom.  I couldn't resist just a little detail.  

Textile pendant knotted by Sherri Stokey

Even my photos are simple for this piece with no busy backgrounds.  That was hard for me, too.

Micro macrame pendant necklace by Knot Just Macrame.
The very simplicity of this design and the bold contrast of the cord colors really brings all the focus and attention to the knot work.  It was their turn to have the lead, you know.  The beads always get to be the stars around here.  Looks like I learned something from this challenge after all!  

Still want more?  You can read more about stretching the limits on creativity here.  Or you can see what everyone else in the group came up with for this week in this Facebook album.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look, Sherri, very modern. Hope you didn't suffer any bead withdrawal!


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